Saturday, November 25, 2000

P.S. I am not an employee of Around the World Book and Video, but I do write reviews under the column Foodie's Guide to the Movies, which you might have seen on the store's newsletter or web page, and I have helped Rehana set up the Blogger. I PAY to rent all the movies that I watch, so you can be assured that you are not getting a bribed reviewer!!!! However, as a loyal customer of the store, I do rely on Rehana's advice about individual movies before I rent many movies to watch, so little time! See you around the checkout counter!
I still don't have a DVD player at home, so I rented one and checked out ALL FOUR DISCS of From the Earth to the Moon from Around the World. Since I don't have HBO, I had missed this eight hour special. You need a full day or a holiday weekend to see this thing, but it is worth it. As a baby boomer, who grew up to the background music of Nasa's schedule, I felt like I was reviewing my life story while watching this thing. Remember when they first circled the moon? We got to stay up late and listen to the news about it on Christmas Eve that year. This four-disc set brings it all back. Enjoy the Thanksgiving weekend, and send in your reviews!